Monday, March 21, 2016

Watercolor Planner stickers - full set

I finally finished a full set, I feel good about this set too. I KNOW I keep changing things up but I was trying them out as I went, making changes, added a bleed (since I cannot get my machine to cut perfectly either way) and I am still trying to think if there is anything additional I want to add...I was thinking a sheet of long washi - just straight long pieces. If I do that will be 5 sheets, and I will list them by themselves, and as a set for less. 

Anyway I just wanted to share this first set, I really liked the in progress pics, via my instagram, as I worked.

My goal was to make a functional pretty kit. You can print as many as you want this way, so if you are a planner who wants to cover all the space, you can. If this works out, my new goal, as if it doesn't change weekly, is to make one set a month and do a few pages of standards. 

I hope one day to be able to print and mail them too, we'll see though! TUE will be release day from now on, focus is on the second TUE but since its late in the month it will be tomorrow. Next month I want to revamp the galaxy kit and maybe do a pastel version.

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